Omega Aqua Terra Replica Watches's 009: The Incredible Lightness and Being of Being

The Aston Martin DBR9 is the racing version the DB9 and features an aluminum frame with engine and carbon fiber body panels. This lightweight, strong construction makes it a great choice.

Aluminum is not suitable for watch cases because of its problems. First,Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Replica Watches aluminum has a short life span. As molecules become gas, aluminum slowly loses its mass. Over time, aluminum weakens. Engineers in the automotive industry can circumvent this problem by over-engineering components' strength, but it results in aluminum losing its critical weight advantage. A car's frame is protected from direct impact by shock absorbers. However, direct impact with the road can happen daily in a watch. Professional racing bikes are usually only used for a few seasons, and then they are discarded. But a watch is intended to last indefinitely. A watch is meant for passing down from generation to generation.

Mille discovered more flaws in aluminum as he continued his research.Audemars Piguet Millenary Replica Aluminum is strong but its surface is soft. Anodizing, a heat treatment that hardens aluminum's surface creates a hard outer skin. This can still scratch under hard impact. Mille needed something more than noal aluminum. Mille was able to source the high-density, carbon fiber for Airbus brake discs through contacts within the aerospace industry. It was also through these contacts that he learned about ALUSIC, which is a material that can be used for space technology. ALUSIC was developed in Les Bronzes d'Industrie, Amneville (France). Luc Lajoye is co-owner and general manger of LBI. He completed his metallurgical studies at Genie Physique et Mecanique des Materiaux, Grenoble. During his doctoral studies, the ideas that led to the invention ALUSIC were born. Mille explains that ALUSIC is a combination of aluminum and silicium. It is made up of metal and mineral and is extremely light and shock-resistant.

ALUSIC is the seemingly impossible combination of metal and mineral.

ALUSIC -- Alchemic Fusion of Mineral and Metal

ALUSIC was not cheap because of the complicated manufacturing process.Swiss Replica Watches Mille had no choice. Mille admits that he can now choose between different paths but will still go for the best perfoance, regardless of the cost. It is my philosophy of not compromising." To create the 009 watch case, ALUSIC was required to cost many times as much as platinum. Mille's ALUSIC watch case was the most expensive to make. It is difficult to combine seemingly incompatible elements of metals and minerals. ALUSIC must be centrifugally melted to ensure that silicium and aluminum bond at a molecular level.

Lajoye says: "The greatest problem when working with these types of alloys are the inherent mixture of the metal, that by its very nature will contain impurities. These impurities can be detrimental to the structure.Omega Aqua Terra Replica Watches The unwanted material is kept at the center of centrifugation and the perfect matrix is thrown outside. The metal mixture is also evenly distributed in this manner." ALUSIC is spun in a high-speed centrifuge, resulting in a huge cylinder. While the inner part of the cylindrical is made of pure aluminum, the outer layer is made of ALUSIC. The outer layer of the 009 case can be carefully removed.

Omega Aqua Terra Replica Watches